§Report Channel
→ Address: 7F., No. 1, Ln. 142, Sec. 6, Roosevelt Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 11673, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
→ Fax: +886-2-2391-5423
→ Email: b19@mail.mof.gov.tw
→ Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice DID: +886-0800-286-586
→ Fax: +886-2-2391-5423
→ Email: b19@mail.mof.gov.tw
→ Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice DID: +886-0800-286-586
§Acceptance of report matters
Please indicate the valid name, address, contact number. Please do not offer anonymity, invalid accusation and emotional statement and kindly offer the specific supporting documents.
§Incentive Award of Reporting Corruption
According to the regulation of The Anti-Corruption Information Rewards and Protection Regulation, the organizations for acceptance of report matters strictly keep the Reporter’s personnel confidential. If the matter of the report corruption is established guilty by Court, Government will grant incentive award base on the result by Court ruling. The minimum amount is TWD $300,000. The maximum amount is TWD $10,000,000.